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A Balanced Parenthood: Nurturing Through Postpartum & Chiropractic Care

Dr Rebecca Martorelli
A little bit on why families should get adjusted and stay adjusted in terms of well regulated nervous systems.

Image of Dr Rebecca Martorelli is sat in her practice room gentle adjusting a postpartum mom. The mother is smiling and you can see Dr Rebecca's hands working. The baby is seen in the background cacoon in a pregnancy pillow smiling whilst his mom receives Chiropractic care.

Nothing makes me happier to see families THRIVE. Too often I feel we’re stuck in this loop of survival and we get lost about who to ask for help or where to find support.

There is a lot that can be said about the early days of postpartum. No two journeys are the same and you adventure of discovery and what parenthood looks like to you will be different to mine.

But what I can do is help get the whole families nervous systems to be regulated so we can get you out of the mindset of pure survival.

What does dysregulated nervous systems look like like adults & in kids?

In newborns and infants we'd be on the look out for: reflux, struggling with digestion, struggling with winding, excessive crying, squirming and struggling to get comfortable (our fussy babies). It may also be seen in signs like struggling to move their neck and limbs on both sides the same, struggling to open their mouths, difficulty with a latch, or refusing tummy time or being held.

In older kids we can be on the look out for stress, rollercoaster emotions, difficulty focusing, difficulty with falling asleep or winding down, bed wetting, issues with reading and writing (tracking on a page), co-ordination. They may complain about aches and pains, headaches and migraines. Also dysregulated kids are often sick as their immune systems struggle to fight off infections.

In adults it seen in headaches, migraines, aches and pains, posture and lack of focus/mental fog. You may become aware of rollercoaster emotions too, constantly feeling stress, rounded upper back posture and stress. You can feel chaotic and overwhelmed, struggle to rest and sleep and have issues with digestion. You may be irregular going to the bathroom or chronically constipated. You too may feel like your immune system is low, your blood pressure may be high.

Truly the dysregulated nervous system signs and symptoms can seem endless because- our nervous systems control everything. From the most simple physiological processes in our bodies to the most complex.

So what would a regulated nervous system in each family member look like:

Simply put- improvement. We're talking about improvement in the way you move, think, digest. Improvement in your posture, hormones and rest.

In a baby we could see an improvement with reflux and colic symptoms, latch, movement and tummy time. This in itself would help the rest of the family to bond with the baby as the fussiness and crying eases meaning that the well-regulated baby can actually help regulate their older family members.

In kids and adults we can see posture improvements, relief from aches and pains, ease with movement, symmetry in body alignment, improvement with headaches and mental acuity. This adds up to mood improvements and great levels of patience (as we know short temperedness comes from being worn down and being in "survival mode").

How is this achieved I hear you ask? With chiropractic adjustments.

Image of Dr Rebecca Martorelli is sat in her practice room gentle cradling a 4 month old in her arms and applying gentle, specific Chiropractic adjustments to his back. The baby is looking at the camera and smiling

The goal of an adjustment is to stimulate the nervous system to re-establish a strong brain-body connection to allow the body to heal. The body KNOWS WHAT TO DO, sometimes it just needs a little nudge in the right direction to get back on track.

Chiropractic isn't a one-hit-wonder kind of science. It isn't magic (even if it feels that way). It is simply a holistic way of approaching the body. Let the body function as it's designed by removing interferences (or as you would have heard me in the practice call them "doorstops" but the literature will call them restrictions or subluxations) and it will do what it is designed to do.

Chiropractic care is ongoing because our lifestyles will continue to challenge our nervous systems and our health. The prolonged sitting with commuting and desk bound work, heavy school bags or the use of containers (prams, car seats, bouncy chairs) are common causes for reoccurring restrictions.
We hope to see small improvements on the regular as that is what adds up to big improvements.

As a family Chiropractor I will support you and encourage you and we can work together towards a common goal. You will thrive.

I am honoured whenever a new family welcomes me in to be apart of their health and wellness journey, maybe I will be apart of your's soon?

Yours in health,
Dr Rebecca Martorelli, Chiropractor

ps. If you'd like to read more about Chiropractic and family wellness please have a look at the Pathways digital magazine site.

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