About us
We welcome new patients with a thorough and personalized approach to care. Our goal is to support you and your family's health and well-being with individualized, professional, compassionate care.
Initial consultation
A dedicated one-to-one session with one of our Chiropractors, where we’ll discuss your medical history and any health goals you have. If you are pregnant or newly postpartum we chat about your journey so far and how you are managing and where you feel like you need more support.
For your little ones we talk about their pregnancy journeys, their births and what has been going on since they arrived earth side. We cover a range of topics from medication, sleep, feeding and winding and digestion.

Examination, posture scan & anaylsis
In the same inital consultation session we will go into neuro-orthopaedic examination to assess how your body is moving and ensure there is nothing that requires referral to another healthcare provider. We make use of functional tests like posture screening and range of motion analysis to help better understand your limitations and how we can work together to improve them.
For little ones we look into their overall being being, behaviour, movment and reflexes. As the child grows older the types of tests and examinations adapt with them. ​

End of initial consultation
Your Chiropractor will review all the information we have about you or your little one, including your examination and analysis results, and, if appropriate, will discuss a care plan moving forward.
Now that we have a thorough understanding of yours or your little one's current health, the first Chiropractic adjustment will be offered if you would like to proceed.
If you choose to continue, let your journey towards better health begin!