Frequently asked questions
Here are answers to questions that pop up most commonly . If you have any more queries or concerns please be in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as possible

I only need to see the Chiropractor when I am in pain...
Nope- the essence of chiropractic is allowing the body to function and perform at its best. This means keeping interruptions, blockages, or obstacles at bay. Chiropractic care is appropriate for so much more than aches, pains, and injuries. It has been shown to assist in sports performance, digestion issues, pregnancy, neurodiverse syndromes, developmental milestones, focus, stress, sleep and so much more.

Is chiropractic safe for pregnant women, postpartum women and babies/children...
Yes! I am trained in Webster technique which is a specific technique for pregnant parents. Recent research* has shown that Chiropractic care in pregnancy has been linked to reduced aches and pains, better movement, better pelvic balancing, and shorter labour times. Chiropractic care is safe, gentle, and effective. The techniques are adapted appropriately for each pregnancy, child, age and circumstance.
Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring of 33 Pregnant Women Undergoing Chiropractic & Midwifery Care: A Retrospective Analysis of Outcomes & Review of Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ October 18, 2022 ~ Pages 95-100. John Edwards, DC, DACCP, Allison Union, BS, Joel Alcantara, DC, PhD (C).
Best Practices for Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ April 20, 2023 ~ Volume 2023 ~ Pages 40-70. Alcantara J, Alcantara JD, Alcantara J, et al.
Comparison of Forces Exerted by a Chiropractor on Children and Adults During High-Speed, Low-Amplitude Spinal Manipulations: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Volume 45, Issue 6, July–August 2022, Pages 389-399. Walter Herzog PhD, Peter Kevorkian DC, Brent Russell DC, Joel Alcantara DC.

Can I claim back from health insurance companies...
Dr Rebecca Martorelli and Dr Claudia Landi are registered with CAI, so should your private insurance plan cover Chiropractic care you will be reimbursed. If you are concerned regarding reimbursement please be in touch with your insurance provider.